Full Project Archive

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  • HTML & CSS
  • HTML, CSS & Javascript
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript & jQuery
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A Property Management System built on Django. Landlords can manage every aspect of real estates on the platform.

django | html | css | bootstrap | javascript | jquery

Kenya ePolice

A Police Station Management System built on Django that allows users to book criminals, cases, court details & cell occupancy.

django | html | css | bootstrap | javascript

Django Neighbourhoods

Django web application that allows registered users to know about everything happening in their current neighborhoods.

django | html | css | bootstrap | javascript

Django Project Station

A Django application that allows a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers. API endpoints are provided through DRF. Only logged in users can access the API.

django | html | css | bootstrap | javascript

Django Instagram Clone

A Django application that allows users to upload, like and comment on other peoples images. Images have captions and users have profiles where you can see all their images Images are hosted on Cloudinary.

django | html | css | bootstrap | javascript

Django Photo Gallery

A Django application for a personal gallery that allows a user to upload images for other to see. Images are hosted on Cloudinary.

django | html | css | bootstrap | javascript

Django Netflix Clone

This is a clone of the popular video streaming site Netflix. Built using Django and uses the requests library to handle data from TMDB API.

django | html | css | bootstrap | tmdb api

Flask Blog

A Flask application that allows user to post blog posts on all matters tech.

flask | html | css | bootstrap

Flask Bug Tracker

A Flask application that allows users to follow up on different bugs that are in software. User can also help in debugging by providing solutions towards solving the bug.

flask | html | css | bootstrap

Flask Pitch Deck

A Flask application that allows users to post one minute pitches and also allows other users who have signed up to comment, like or dislike a pitch.

flask | html | css | bootstrap

Flask News App

A web application is built using Python framework (Flask) and NEWS API.

flask | html | css | bootstrap

Python Password Locker

A python application that manages login and signup credentials of a person for various accounts

python | CMD

Angular Github Search App

A single page application that allows users to perform searches using the GitHub search API.

angular | github api | html | css | bootstrap | typescript

Angular Quotes App

An Angular application that allows people to see quotes, up vote ,down vote on quotes, add their own quotes and finally delete them as well.

angular | html | css | bootstrap | typescript

Angular GIPHY Clone

A Single Page Angular GIPHY Clone site using GIPHY API to shows Trending Gifs, Random Gifs & Gif Categories.

angular | giphy api | html | css | bootstrap | typescript

Angular Goals App

This is an Angular Goals Application for practicing Angular concepts.

angular | html | css | bootstrap | typescript

Django JWT Auth API

A secure RESTful API for enabling sign up, login & logout of users using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

django | postgresql | jwt | django-rest-framework

My Portfolio Website v2

The second iteration of my personal portfolio website.

html | css | javascript | bootstrap | jquery


A RESTful API for performing CRUD operations on transaction details stored in a PostgreSQL DB

django | postgresql | django-rest-framework

Django Ajax CRUD API

Product Directory App for Performing CRUD Operations using AJAX, Bootstrap Modal Forms, Django Rest API & PostgreSQL Database

django | postgresql | jwt | django-rest-framework

Django Angular Projects Manager

My first Full Stack App Using Angular Front-End, Django Back-End & PostgreSQL DB. The API is built off of Django Rest Framework

django | postgresql | django-rest-framework | angular

Django Allauth Social Authentication

This is a Django Social Login & Sign Up App using sites like GitHub, Google, Twitter & LinkedIn to access a website via Django Allauth

django | postgresql | allauth | html | css | bootstrap

Django CRUD Operations Using PostgreSQL

This is a Django Student Information Register for performing CRUD operations using a PostgreSQL database

django | html | css | bootstrap | postgresql

Django Login Register Form

This is a Django Login & Sign Up Form With Email Verification & Password Reset Functionality Using a PostgreSQL Database

django | html | css | bootstrap | postgresql

Turu Travels

This is an Angular travel website built with the aim of learning Angular routing fundamentals.

angular | html | css | typescript

Bug Tracker Form

This is an Angular bug tracker form for submitting software bug complaints by developers.

angular | html | css | bootstrap | typescript

Pizza Cranch

This is a Pizza website with an ordering form to conveniently request for your pizza delivery

javascript | html | css | jquery

Delani Studio

This is a fictional software development studio website built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript & jQuery.

javascript | html | css | jquery

Akan Name Generator

Akan Name Generator is a web application that takes your birthday and calculates the day of the week you were born and then depending on their gender gives you an Akan Name.

javacript | html | css

My Portfolio Website v1

This is a personal portfolio website showcasing a bit about myself. my education background, interests & hobbies. The site is written in HTML & CSS

html | css

CITAM Rongai

This is the official site for CITAM Rongai where I go to church as well



This is a tech news aggregator site for catching up on all the latest new in the tech ecosystem
